Friday, 22 August 2008

ive decided

..... That all fellow cool artists before me ive decided to take a leaf out of their books and produce images of myself.
Vain? do i hear you say well yes ..maybe but i have so many images of me it helps me practice and that face i have a weird face helps me develope this style im doing so thats wot u say :) plus it keeps my hands free from carrying round alarge bottle of diet coke which i have had a long long time.... tho it hasnt go flat which im very excited about. *beams*

oh yeah watch LA ink, i shouldnt it makes me want another tattoo... (which is gonna happen)


Sam Rennocks said...

I'm reaaaally enjoying the last one.
(who's that supposed to be eh?)

Jack Teagle said...

Holly these have turned out awesome!
My fav is the last one too.